Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Leaving Paris

As took my walk this morning it struck me that it was one of my last in Paris.  I have maybe 6 or 7 left.  It wasn't a thundering revelation to me. It had been creeping up for a while.  Six months ago I couldn't have imagined leaving Paris for at least another 2 or 3 years.  Things change.  Now I'm looking forward to it.  There will be a lot I'll miss about Paris, but we're moving to a great city with just as much history.

We have a schedule now so it's gotten very real.  Our belongings will be packed and carted off by the movers on the 26th and we'll fly out on the 27th or 28th.  Yes, that's less that two weeks away.  Amazingly we don't have that much to do.  Mostly deciding what to take with in our suitcases.  We're not moving that far away, less that 2 hours by plane and out stuff will join us lass that a week after we find an apartment.  A much easier move that Sydney was.  Or Texas.

We're spending some of our time doing a few last things we haven't gotten around to yet and revisiting old favorites.  A lot of it revolves around food and wine, which makes sense.  A few last trips to our favorite museums.  A few more long walks.  Then a whole to city to explore.  I could get used to this.

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