Sunday, August 31, 2014

By way of Introduction

I've traveled a lot in my life compared to most, but not nearly as much as some.  Most of my traveling has been in pursuit of another goal.  Not for the pure act of traveling.  A lot of it has been in pursuit of animation, to study it or to do it.  This blog will be about the travel.  I'm sure animation will pop it's weary head up from time to time, but this is about the travel.

I've done of few of these travel blogs over the past several years as we've hopped around the globe.  You can find them at the following links.

They were of various lengths and all were mostly a way of dealing with the move we were making.  Thinking out loud.  They were all overtaken by work or boredom.  I hope that this blog will not be.  I plan on this one to be a little more far ranging.  I'm going to start with the core of moving about in the world and see where it leads.  I'm going to do a lot of reminiscing, but I also plan to do some looking at the world as it is today and maybe even where it may be going.

Why am I doing this now?  I have the time.  I only sleep about 6 hours a night.  I hit the sack between 9 and 10 and I'm up 6 hours later.  I've decided to do something at least superficially more constructive than surfing Facebook and Twitter on my iPad with that time.  This is being written at 3:45 in the morning.  That's what the clock says right now on my Macbook.

That's enough for now.  I'm going to try to publish here at least a few times a week. We'll see.

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